Advantages and disadvantages of cherry fruit - Diet & Weight

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Advantages and disadvantages of cherry fruit

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Cherry fruit is an exotic with excellent nutritional value. Although cherry fruit is not cultivated in our country (it is not cultivated commercially, but many people plant cherry trees on their roofs or gardens as a hobby), they are easily available in the market. Cherry fruit is beautiful to look at and very tasty to eat. Cherry fruit (as topping) is used to add beauty and taste to various desserts, cakes, pastries etc.

This article discusses in detail the nutritional value of cherry fruit, the benefits and harms of eating cherry fruit.


Nutritional value of cherry fruit

Cherries are mostly water, with the rest being carbohydrates and small amounts of protein and fat. Cherries also contain various vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants.

cherry fruit

There are numerous species of cherry fruit, and the taste and nutritional value vary slightly from species to species. The two most common species of cherry fruit are Prunus ceracus (slightly sour) and Prunus avium (sweet) whose nutritional values are listed in the table below.

Nutritional value

Prunus ceracus (sour cherry) Prunus avium (sweet cherry)
Energy 50 calories 63 calories
Water 86 grams 82 grams
Carbohydrates 12.2 grams 16 grams
Sugar (includes carbohydrates) 8.5 grams 12.8 grams
Fiber (includes carbohydrates) 1.6 grams 2.1 grams
Protein 1 gram 1.1 grams
Fat 0.3 gm 0.2 gm
Vitamin A 64 micrograms 3 micrograms
Vitamin C 10 mg 7 mg
Potassium 173 mg 222 mg
Manganese 0.112 mg 0.07 mg

The above table mentions the nutritional value of 100 grams of cherry fruit. Apart from the mentioned nutrients, cherries also contain small amounts of vitamin B, vitamin K, choline, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc. (Wikipedia, 2023)

Benefits of eating cherry fruit

Cherries contain a lot of antioxidants which play a very beneficial role for health. Eating foods rich in antioxidants can help reduce inflammation, prevent premature cell death, and prevent various diseases. For example: diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, arthritis etc. (Kubala, 2019)

Beneficial for the heart

The main cause of heart disease is cholesterol. If the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood increases, the risk of heart disease increases. Especially heart attacks and strokes which are major causes of premature death.

The antioxidant properties of cherries play a role in controlling harmful cholesterol levels, meaning that eating cherries can reduce the risk of heart disease. Cherries also contain potassium, which helps control high blood pressure.

Helps reduce pain and inflammation

The antioxidant properties of cherries play a role in treating the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Cherries are similar to pain relievers (such as ibuprofen) in treating inflammation.

Also, eating cherry fruit or cherry juice after exercise or hard work can easily relieve fatigue, relieve muscle pain and increase muscle performance.

Aids in good sleep

Good sleep is essential for healthy living. Studies have shown that the antioxidant properties of cherries play a role in promoting better sleep. (Kubala, 2019)

cherry fruit

Consuming cherry fruit or cherry juice before going to bed at night releases sleep-related hormones (melatonin) and chemicals (serotonin and tryptophan). (Cleveland Clinic, 2023)

Beneficial for diabetic patients

Cherries have a very low glycemic index. That is, the blood sugar level does not increase as a result of eating cherry fruit. In addition, cherry fruit plays a role in controlling blood sugar levels. So cherry fruit can be a great snack for people with diabetes.

Beneficial for digestive system

Cherries are a fiber-rich fruit that plays a beneficial role in the digestive system. That is, the habit of eating cherry fruit eliminates constipation problems, improves digestion and reduces the risk of colon cancer. Also, regular consumption of cherry fruit (due to the antioxidant properties of cherries) helps in maintaining good liver function.

Keeps skin and hair healthy

Both men and women have no shortage of efforts to maintain good skin and hair. Because skin and hair contribute to a large part of human beauty. Eating cherry fruit can be beneficial for keeping skin and hair healthy.

By eating cherry fruit, the skin does not get wrinkles easily (i.e. the tendency of skin aging is reduced), skin roughness is removed, skin brightness and lusciousness is increased, hair fall is prevented, etc.

Increases immunity

The immune system or body’s immune system is of immense importance for healthy living. The vitamins and anti-oxidant properties present in cherries boost immunity. As a result, the tendency to get infections and diseases is reduced

Cherry fruit vs blackberry

Caramcha (sour fruit with scientific name Carissa carandas) and cherry are two completely different fruits. However, the nutritional value of blackcurrant and cherry fruit is almost the same. Like cherries, blackberries are low in calories and contain a lot of antioxidants and vitamin C, which play a very beneficial role in health.

Side effects

There are no side effects or harmful effects of eating cherry fruit. However, cherry fruit should not be eaten in large quantities. Because eating cherry fruit in excess (more than 45 per day) can cause stomach ache or diarrhea.

Eating cherry fruit with seeds is unlikely to cause any poisoning or side effects. As with apple seeds, there is a misconception that eating apple seeds can cause poisoning and death. In fact, eating apple seeds or cherry fruit with seeds does not cause poisoning and there is no chance of death.

Apple and cherry fruit seeds contain amygdalen which is a harmful (if consumed in excess) substance. However, apple seeds and cherry fruit seeds contain such a small amount of amygdalen that it cannot cause poisoning or any harmful effects in the human body. So there is no reason to fear unnecessarily.

Cherry fruit is very nutritious and can bring many health benefits. Being a foreign fruit, it is not possible to keep it in the daily diet. But sometimes cherry fruit should be bought and eaten.

Are cherries good for weight loss?

Cherries, those ruby red bursts of summer sunshine, are more than just delicious treats. They’re packed with nutrients and antioxidants, making them a popular choice for health-conscious individuals. But when it comes to weight loss, are cherries your best friend or a sneaky saboteur? Let’s delve into the juicy details!

On the Pro Side:

Low-Calorie Champions: A cup of sweet cherries clocks in at around 90 calories, making them a guilt-free snack or addition to meals. Compared to other fruits like bananas or grapes, cherries are a lighter option.

Fiber Fantastic: Don’t let their small size fool you! Cherries pack a surprising 3 grams of fiber per cup. This dietary hero keeps you feeling fuller for longer, reducing cravings and potentially helping you consume fewer calories throughout the day.

Blood Sugar Buddies: Cherries have a low glycemic index, meaning they won’t send your blood sugar on a rollercoaster ride. This is crucial for weight management, as blood sugar spikes can trigger hunger pangs and cravings.

Metabolic Mavens: Certain compounds in cherries, like anthocyanins, have been shown to boost metabolism and fat burning. While not a magic bullet, these little nutritional ninjas can give your weight loss efforts a helping hand.

The Not-So-Sweet Side:

Sugar Sprinkles: While lower in sugar than many other fruits, cherries still contain natural sugars. Overindulging can negate their calorie-conscious benefits, so mindful portioning is key.

Cherry on Top Trap: It’s easy to underestimate the calorie count of a handful of cherries, especially when adding them to smoothies, yogurt, or desserts. Be mindful of how much you’re incorporating into your diet.

Dried Dilemma: Dried cherries, while convenient, are concentrated sources of sugar and calories. Sticking to fresh or frozen cherries is the better choice for weight management.

The Verdict:

Cherries can be a valuable tool in your weight loss journey, but moderation is key. Enjoy them as a healthy snack, incorporate them into balanced meals, and be mindful of portion sizes and added sugars. Remember, a healthy weight loss approach focuses on overall dietary patterns, not just individual foods. So, savor those sweet summer jewels, but pair them with a balanced lifestyle for optimal results!

How many cherries should you eat a day?

While cherries’ delicious burst of sweetness begs for overindulgence, mindful consumption is key. Their high fiber content can lead to digestive discomfort if you go overboard. So, how many of these ruby gems should grace your plate each day?

For adults, a moderate serving of around 150 cherries is generally considered safe and beneficial. This translates to roughly one cup or a small bowl, offering a satisfying dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants without exceeding the fiber threshold. Children and adolescents may require slightly less, around 10-15 cherries per day, to keep their tummies happy.

However, remember that this is just a guideline. Your individual needs and tolerance may vary. Tune into your body’s signals. If you experience bloating or discomfort after indulging in cherries, scale back your intake and listen to your gut’s wisdom. Remember, mindful eating is key to enjoying all the goodness cherries have to offer without unwanted side effects.

Final Words

By practicing moderation and listening to your body, you can reap the numerous health benefits of cherries while avoiding any downsides. So go ahead, savor the sweet and tangy goodness, but do so consciously, and your body will thank you for it!

Advantages and disadvantages of cherry fruit
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Advantages and disadvantages of cherry fruit
Uncover the benefits and drawbacks of cherry fruit. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of this delectable fruit in this comprehensive .
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