Benefits of Walking to Lose Weight 10 Kgs in 5 Months

Benefits of walking for weight loss, The benefits of walking as a way to lose body weight are immense. It will seem very common and known to almost everyone. But in this article you will learn some amazing things besides knowing the details about the benefits of walking. For example:
- How much weight will your body lose if you walk for 1 hour?
- How many steps should be taken daily to lose 10 kg weight in 5 months?
- How many benefits of brisk walking?
- What things are important to pay attention to when walking?
Benefits of walking
Exercise on a daily basis is crucial for good health. And this exercise first means walking. Because, this is the simplest and familiar exercise in daily life. As they age, many people lose their walking habits and prefer to lie down all the time. But you will be surprised to know that walking is of immense importance for living a healthy and long life. Benefits of walking include-
Helps in controlling body weight.
By reducing bad cholesterol (LDL-low density lipoprotein) in the blood and increasing the level of good cholesterol (HDL-high density lipoprotein) it plays a special role in keeping the heart healthy.
- Controls hypertension and type-2 diabetes.
- Improves mental health and greatly reduces the chances of premature death.
Correct Rules for Walking (with Step Calculation)
It is impossible to calculate the amount of walking we do in our lifetime. Every day we are forced to walk some way and if this walking is done as a daily exercise in the right way, then it is possible to stay fit easily. Walking can also be a good way to lose weight for those who are overweight.
You can lose up to 500 grams in a week just by regular walking. And according to this calculation, you can lose up to 10 kg in just 5 months without any diet or going to the gym.
How to understand whether the body is overweight?
First of all, you have to calculate whether your body weight is extra according to your height. It can be easily calculated by BMI (Body mass index). For this you need to measure your height in meter and body weight in kg. Next, divide the weight by the height squared. The formula is:
BMI = weight ÷ height^2
If this value is between 18.5 and 24.9, then your body weight is just right. And if it is more than 25, it is considered overweight and after 30 it is considered as obesity. Obesity increases your risk of many complications including diabetes and heart disease.
Step Calculation
Usually a person can walk up to 4 miles in 1 hour and it burns up to 400 calories. So if you walk more, it will burn an extra 100 calories per mile.
If you want to lose 500 grams or half a kilogram of your body weight every week, then you need to spend about 3900 calories.
- And you have to walk 1 mile to burn 100 calories.
- So you would need to walk 39 miles in 1 week to burn 3900 calories.
- 1 mile is about 2000 steps.
- So 39 miles = 78,000 steps, which you need to take every week to lose half a kilo.
- That means you have to take about 11,000 steps daily.
11,000 steps per day may sound like a big number, but it’s actually not difficult. Rather, if you walk for 40 to 45 minutes in the morning and afternoon, it is possible to meet the daily target.
According to this calculation, walking 4 miles in 1 hour will burn 400 calories. For which the body weight will decrease by about 50 grams. However, this change will not be seen once walking. And besides, it is difficult to determine the amount of 50 grams. So, weigh yourself once a month and notice the change.
How to keep track of how many steps you walk every day?
You can easily know how much you have walked using the ‘smart watch’. These watches are very popular nowadays and are available to buy frequently in the market. Calculations can also be done using mobile apps instead of smart watches. But the performance of smart watch is relatively better and reliable. However, through smart watches and apps, it is possible to know how many steps you walked, how fast, how long, and even how many calories you burned. Also using it will increase both the desire and speed of your daily walk.
Benefits of Brisk Walking
The question that comes to mind when talking about speed is, are the benefits of brisk walking much greater? Yes, because the higher your body weight and walking speed, the higher the calorie expenditure. Suppose your body weight is 150 pounds or 68 kg and you walk at a speed of about 4 kilometers per hour. In this case, the calorie consumption will be about 204 calories. On the other hand, if the walking speed is increased to 5 km, the expenditure will be 248 calories.
Similarly, if your body weight is 180 pounds or 82 kg, then walking at a speed of 4 kilometers per hour will burn 246 calories. That is, if you are overweight or walk briskly, the caloric expenditure will increase which is essential for weight loss. (Walle, 2020)
Simple tips to meet your daily walking target
Even if you can’t make time for walking on your weight loss journey, you can use the following tips to get 11,000 steps a day-
- Walk the child to school or college daily
- Practice walking instead of riding a rickshaw to market
- Walk if the workplace is close, or walk to the bus stand if it is far. On the way back, you can get down one stop earlier and walk home
- Going out for a walk to enjoy the cloudy weather
- If there is a park nearby, take a daily walk
- Avoid utilizing the elevator and go up and down the steps.
As long as you walk, be careful that your posture is correct. By doing this you can get the full benefits of walking.
- Keep the head straight and slightly upward
- Keep your gaze 10 feet ahead
- Take long legs and walk as hard as you can
- Walk with a straight spine
- Avoid eating like a glutton after walking
- If you feel problem, you can take rest one day in a week
Or, initially practice walking for 15-20 minutes at least 3 days a week. Gradually increase the time from half an hour to 1 hour.
The benefits of walking in the morning or the benefits of walking in the afternoon?
In response to this question, the opinion of the experts is that the benefits of walking in the morning or early morning are comparatively more. However, the benefits of walking in the afternoon or at night are not less. Rather, the instructions for walking are, find out what time suits your opportunity and convenience and walk accordingly. (Gent, n.d.)
After knowing what is the way to lose weight, I hope everyone will develop the habit of walking. If you are not overweight, walking will keep you healthy and prevent weight gain.